Roses are a timeless expression of love and beauty, making them a favorite in any bouquet. However, during the winter months, caring for these delicate blooms requires a bit of extra attention to ensure they stay fresh and vibrant. Whether you’ve just received a stunning bouquet from Gifting or you’re preparing to give one, here are some essential tips to keep your roses looking their best all season long.
Keep them away from the heat
Avoid placing your roses near heaters, radiators, or vents, as the dry heat can cause them to wilt prematurely.
Hydration is key
Roses are thirsty flowers, especially in the dry winter air. Ensure the vase is always filled with fresh, lukewarm water. Change the water every two to three days to prevent bacterial growth, which can shorten the lifespan of your blooms. When refilling, trim about 1 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle. This allows for better water absorption.
Use our flower food!
Our flower food contains essential nutrients and sugar to keep your blooms well nourished. Dissolve the flower food in the vase water according to the package instructions. If you run out of our flower food you can create your own; simply mix a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of bleach into the water.